Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Safe Summer PSA

You know for a long while I was the typical Central Park Runner. I was out there 2-3 times a week, thought I was better then everyone else, and hated every ass-clown on two wheels. They never seemed to follow the rules of the road, were way too fast in crowded areas, and were an absolute nuisance.

Then I injured my leg and have been pretty much just biking for the last 6 months. I now know that runners are total butt-pirates. They never heed the signs of the road, don't account for anyone or anything more then 3 feet away from them, and are an absolute nuisance.

I thought a lot about this dichotomy as an argument raged in my head. Whose really worse? And what could bring us together?

I thought it best to write it down.

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